Our regular blog on all things relating to Buddhism and the Buddha - including the bizarre ,strange ,magnificent and awesome elements of what is the world's most peaceful and inspiring religous philosophy. "I never see what has been done; I only see what remains to be done." Buddha
Sunday, 21 November 2010
Another 3D Magic Eye Buddha Stereogram
3D Buddha Image Stereogram
3D Buddhist Images from Japan
200th Post – The Best of the Buddha’s Face – Viewers Choice
When I started this blog just over a year ago I had no idea where it would ultimately go or what it would all mean. It started to help drive traffic to our main merchant website and then as I became more immersed in the topic of the Buddha and Buddhism and Buddhist culture it took on a life of its own slightly divorced from the original concept.
It has been guided by the Buddha's message “There are two mistakes one can make along the road to truth...not going all the way, and not starting.”
In that time we have roamed far and wide and for my 200th post it would be a good opportunity for review our audience stats to be the Best of the Buddha’s Face Blog (viewers choice). I will do my own favourites in a forthcoming blog.
The blog as of today has had over 11,500 page views and along with our Buddha’s Face You Tube Channel which has had over 30,000 views we are delighted that we have an audience on the web who wants to share some of our journey and joy.
Many thanks for stopping by I hope we have made a small difference. Don't forget our Buddhism 101 project - probably the most comprehensive Buddhist resource on the web.
Click here if you want to see my own personal favourites from the Blog.
Without health life is not life; it is only a state of languor and suffering - an image of death. Buddha
The Buddha’s Face Blog Top 10
(in terms of view counts)
Buddha Hand gestures in
The Buddha's Enlightenment 520
Asian Buddha Wall Art Decor - Our First Blog 334
The Use of Buddhas in Gardens and Garden Design 200
Buy this Buddha Wall Art and help the UK Thai Children’s Fund 122
Maybe the best Buddha quote of all time? 112
Attributes of the Buddha in
Believe Nothing - Analysis of the Buddha's Words 58
The most popular Buddha image on Google 56
In the sky, there is no distinction of east and west; people create distinctions out of their own minds and then believe them to be true. Buddha
Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship. Buddha
Saturday, 20 November 2010
The Beatles and Buddhism - John Lennon

More Famous Buddhists - Artist Laurie Anderson
She reached breakthrough popularity with her single "O Superman" which charted at no 2 in the UK in 1981. Despite her Christian upbringing Laurie Anderson now identifies herself as a Buddhist.
Laurie Anderson is regarded as one of the most significant artists of this century; she is a poet, writer, visual artist, sculptor and humanitarian but best known as a singer , where her technical wizardry and amazing live shows have cemented her reputation as one of the world's most eccentric and unique performers.
Famous Buddhists - Annie Lennox - Eurythmics

The Heart Sutra Revisited
The First Western Buddhist

As co-founder along with Madame Blavatsky they founded the Theosophical Society which is still going strong today and the launched it to advance the understanding of spiritual principles and the search for truth.
They arrived in Colombo,Sri Lanka in May 1880 and both took the 5 precepts at the Wijayananda Temple in Galle on May 19, 1880.
So important is this event believed to be in the westernization of Buddhism that the Sri Lankan government still honour his memory to this day and a statue was built to him outside Colombo's main railway station. He also created the multicoloured Buddhist flag. He died on February 17th 1907.
Friday, 19 November 2010
The Heart Sutra - The Little Buddha
My Favourite Little Buddha Music Video - Keane
Online Buddha's Face Jigsaw Puzzle
Lecture on Buddhism and Science

Thursday, 18 November 2010
Buddhism and Wall Street - Greed is not Good
Did Jesus learn from the Buddha ?
Wednesday, 17 November 2010
Buddha's Face Complete Blog Index

As part of our Buddhism 101 Project I have updated our complete blog index over at the Buddha's Face main merchant site .
Monday, 15 November 2010
Depressing Buddha Children's Cartoon !!
Sunday, 14 November 2010
Cartoon - Why Buy from The Buddha's Face